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Sidewalk counseling involves having intentional conversations with women who are in the midst of an unexpected pregnancy outside an abortion clinic. The primary goal of these conversations is to offer alternative options to women, hoping that they will choose life. However, it's important to note that conversations aren't limited to women considering abortion.  Sidewalk counseling also provides an opportunity to engage with a diverse range of people. It's crucial to recognize that abortion doesn't just affect women; it's a destructive chain reaction that harms everyone, including the child in or out of the womb, the child's father, friends, and family.



Our goal is simple - reach a mom before she arrives at an abortion clinic and have the opportunity to provide her with education, support, and hope.


Our digital sidewalk counseling provides ads to moms who are searching for answers online. These ads direct them to our website and allow them to make an appointment on the spot to visit one of our two Crisis Pregnancy Centers.


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Our Mission


"JMJ SUPPORTS THE GOD-GIVEN RIGHT OF EVERY PREGNANT WOMAN TO GIVE BIRTH AND THE RIGHT OF EVERY UNBORN CHILD TO BE BORN." We are a life-affirming alternative to abortion, providing compassionate and loving guidance for women and families facing difficulties during and after pregnancy. We are a Catholic-based organization that affirms and upholds Catholic social teaching on the sanctity of life and family planning.

Hours and Contact Information

Orlando Center - (407) 839-0620

Monday - Wednesday - Friday   10AM - 2PM


Kissimmee Center - (407) 201-5085

Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday   10AM - 2PM


Lifting LIves Center - (407) 237-0584

Monday &  Wednesday   10AM - 2PM

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